תקשורת ופרסומים דר רטמנסקי
  1. Ratmansky M, Minerbi A, Kalichman L, Kent J, Wende O, Finestone A, Vulfsons S. Position statement of the Israel Society for Musculoskeletal Medicine on Intramuscular Stimulation for Myofascial Pain Syndrome – a Delphi Process Pain practice (accepted 2016)
  2. Minerbi A, Ratmansky M, Vulfson S, The local and referred pain patterns of the longus colli muscleClinical journal of pain (accepted Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies 2016
  3. Ratmansky M, Levi A, Messinger A, Birg A, Front L, Treger I The Effects of Acupuncture on Cerebral Blood Flow in Post-Stroke Patients, a Randomized Controlled Trial. J Altern Complement Med. 2016 Jan;22(1):33-7
  4. Kalichman L, Frenkel-Toledo S, Vered E, Sender I, Galinka T, Alperovitch-Najenson D, Ratmansky M, Treger I. Effect of kinesio tape application on hemiplegic shoulder pain and motor ability: a pilot study. Int J Rehabil Res. 2016 Apr 12
  5. Mimouni M, Ratmansky M, Sacher Y, Aharoni S, Mimouni- Bloch A Self-Citation Rate and Impact Factor in Pediatrics Scientometrics,2016
  6. Ratmansky M, Hai N, Schlossberg T, Mimouni-Bloch A, Schweiger A Does Pain Take Holidays? Non-attendance Rates at a Hospital-Based Pain Clinic are elevated during the Jewish High-Holidays Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (submitted 2016)
  7. Kalichman L., Ratmansky M. Shoulder pain in post-stroke patients. In: Lindgren K-A (Editor): The shoulder. Orton foundation, Helsinki 2015. pp: 31-44 (book chapter)
  8. Mimouni M, Cismariu-Potash K, Ratmansky M, Shaklai S, Amir H, Mimouni-Bloch A Trends in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Publications Over the Past 16 Years. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2015 Nov 14
  9. Tsafrir S, Chubarov E, Shoval G, Levi M, Nahshoni E, Ratmansky M, Weizman A, Zalsman G, Cognitive traits in inpatient adolescents with and without prior suicide attempts and non-suicidal self-injury. Compr Psychiatry. 2014 Feb;55(2):370-3
  10. Vulfsons S, Ratmansky M, Kalichman L. Trigger point needling: techniques and outcome. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2012 Oct;16(5):407-12
  11. Ratmansky M, Defrin R, Soroker N, A randomized controlled study of segmental neuromyotherapy for post-stroke hemiplegic shoulder pain .J Rehabil Med. 2012 Oct;44(10):830-6.
  12. Kalichman L, Ratmansky M, Hemiplegic Shoulder Pain: Underlying Pathology and Associated Factors. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2011 Sep; 90(9):768-80
  13. Ratmansky M, Waldman M, Vulfsons S, Soft tissue sources of chronic Pain. . Israel Journal of Sports Medicine 2011.
  14. Ratmansky M, Volfsons S., musculoskeletal pain .Medical- Israel physicians magazine, 2011 sep: 38, 44-52.
  15. Wendi O, Ratmansky M, How can one improve treatment in patients with shoulder pain and achieve long- lasting results? .Israeli Journal of Pain and Palliative Care, 2010, 21, 29-32.
  16. Ratmansky M, Soroker N, Deep rTMS in Alzheimers disease- first report. Abstract, in abstract book, 6th Mediterranean congress of PMR, Vilamoura, Portugal, 2006
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